RokNewsPager Module (J1.5/1.7)


RokNewsPager is an article previewer and rotator. It displays content articles, in a summarised form and, using mootools based javascript transition, rotates through a series of pages displaying articles in a contracted list format.

RokNewsPager allows you to display a large number of news items and links in a small compact area via its paging functionality and includes a multitude of configuration options and parameters to customize how your news is displayed.

RokModule needs to be installed if you are using this module within Joomla 1.5.x

Module Features

  • Javascript Transitions: using the power of mootools, the module fades between lists of your content articles
  • Previews: set the number of characters you wish to display from your articles
  • Section Control: choose all articles, or those from particular sections or categories
  • Auto Update: select whether the module auto-updates using AJAX
  • K2 Support: Fully compatible with the powerful content constructive component K2.

Details Download Support

Module Configuration

Options available at Admin → Extensions → Module Manager → RokNewsPager Module:


  • Load built-in StyleSheet: Disable if you wish to override the standalone style by custom template styling.
  • Theme Style: Light and Dark.
  • Content Type: Joomla Core Content or K2 Content (Requires K2 to be installed).
  • Module Class Suffix: Add a custom class for individual styling

Joomla Core Content

  • Joomla Section: Section to load tabbed content from.
  • Joomla Category: Category to load tabbed content from.
  • Joomla Frontpage Items: Determine whether frontpage content is loaded.

Content Parameters

  • Count: Insert a numerical value of the number of articles you wish to appear.
  • Enable Accordion Effect: Enable the accordion module, versus standard list style.
  • Enable Paging: Display several pages if articles exceed count value.
  • Max Pages: Determine the maximum number of pages
  • Show Title: Control whether to show the article title inside the previewed content.
  • Show Thumbnails: Control whether to show the article image inside the preview content.
  • Width of thumbnail (px): Set the pixel width of any thumbnails.
  • Use Thumbnail as link: Determine whether the image becomes a link to the full article.
  • Show Thumbnail Overlay: Control whether the thumb overlay appears.
  • Overlay File: Load which file appears as the overlay over the thumbnails.
  • Show Item Ratings: Control whether to display article rating.
  • Show Readmore Link: Determine whether to show a Read More inside the preview content.
  • Read More Text: Insert the text that you wish to appear on the Read More.
  • Item Ordering: Control tab ordering — Default, Oldest First, Most Recent First, Title Alphabetical, Title Reverse-Alphabetical & Order.
  • Show Preview Text: Control whether the preview text is shown.
  • Allowed HTML tags: Insert all HTML tags, separate by a comma, which you wish to remain intact in the snippet.
  • Preview Length: Input a numerical value which equates to how many characters you wish for the module to show.
  • Show Comment Count: Determine whether to show the number of comments for the article.
  • Show Author: Control whether to show the article author.
  • Show Published Date: Control whether to show the article publishing date.
  • Auto Update: Determine whether articles load automatically.
  • Auto Update Delay (ms): Set delay for automatic loading in milliseconds.