Three Menu Options

Support Menus: Fusion, the Mootools enhanced CSS dropdown menu; SpliceMenu, the dynamic dropline system; and Splitmenu.

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Logo Customization

Adobe® Fireworks CS5 PNG source files, allowing for quick and easy modification of the logo, and other template image elements.

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Tutorials and Guides

Go to Extensions → Template Manager → (J15) rt_halcyon_j15 or (J17) rt_halcyon. Mouseover the labels to view a description of each parameter.

General Documentation

There are several sites which offer a range of useful resources for using Joomla, beyond the specifics of the template:

Installation Process

Download and install the Bundle file if Gantry is not installed, use the Standard Template file if Gantry is already present.

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RocketLauncher - Demo Replica

Deploy a replica of the this month's demo with ease, using the readily available RocketLauncher package.

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