Essential Files

Files required for the template to function:

  • Template (Standalone) (J15) rt_halcyon_j15.tgz or (J17) - Standalone template file without the Gantry Framework.
  • Template (Bundle) (J15) or (J17) - Template plus the Gantry Framework.
  • RokNavMenu (J15) first) or; or (J17) first) or - Required for the menu to work.

Additional Files

Ancillary files for the template:

  • Source PNG(s) - Adobe® Fireworks PNG source file(s) and any applicable fonts.
  • Source BG PNG(s) - Adobe® Fireworks PNG BG source file(s) — Only distributed if the template has complex BGs.
  • Extensions (J15) or (J17) - All extensions for the template.
  • RocketLauncher (J15) or (J17) - Demo replica installer.

Installation Instructions

Note: The Bundle Template is only necessary if the Gantry Library is not installed at /components/com_gantry (J15) or /libraries/gantry (J17).

Step 1 - Installation

  • (J15) Install from Admin → Extensions → Install/Uninstall → Choose File → Select file → Upload File & Install
  • (J17) Install from Admin → Extensions → Extensions Manager → Choose File → Select file → Upload File & Install

rt_halcyon_j15.tgz Image Image

Step 1 - Template Default

  • (J15) Make the template default at Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_halcyon_j15 → Default
  • (J17) Make the template default at Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_halcyon → Make Default

rt_halcyon_j15 rt_halcyon - Default Master Image Image

RocketLauncher Instructions

Note: All sample content images will be replaced with blank versions in the RocketLauncher version.

RocketLauncher is a customized Joomla install, that installs a replica of the demo onto your site - inclusive of sample data, content, extensions, the template and sample images.

We always recommend installing a RocketLauncher first to trial and understand the template more efficiently. It must be installed as new, and not over an existing Joomla install.

Step 1 - Upload

  • Download the RocketLauncher
  • Unzip
  • Upload the created folder to your server

Note: You can upload all the files via FTP, or use cPanel or SSH to upload the zip and unzip directly onto the server. Enquire with your hosting provider.

Step 2 - Installation

  • Go to*folder name*
  • Follow the Installation instructions
  • Ensure you click Install Sample Data during installation
  • (J15) Delete the /installation directory on your server
  • (J17) Remove the installation folder in the Installation interface

Menu Options

The template supports two menu systems, the Mootools enhanced CSS dropdown menu Fusion Menu, and the venerable Splitmenu.

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Logo Customization

The template supports two menu systems, the Mootools enhanced CSS dropdown menu Fusion Menu, and the venerable Splitmenu.

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