Installation Process

Download and install the Bundle file if Gantry is not installed, use the Standard Template file if Gantry is already present.

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RocketLauncher - Demo Replica

Deploy a replica of the this month's demo with ease, using the readily available RocketLauncher package.

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Diametric Tutorials & Guide


An overview of template files and instructions for installing and activating the template.

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Logo Editing

An overview for customizing your logo with your organization or company name and logo.

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Go to Extensions → Template Manager → (J1.5) rt_diametric_j15 or (J2.5) rt_diametric. Mouseover the labels to view a description of each template parameter.

RocketTheme Documentation

RocketTheme provides tutorials of template installation, RocketLauncher, and various topics related to specific RocketTheme template releases.

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Gantry Support

More extensive details of the Gantry Framework, inclusive of both written and video tutorials, please visit the dedicated Gantry Site.

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